
Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Africa the least developed continent? Essay

Why do we hear that Africa is the least developed continent? I mean Africa contains some of the most important natural and mineral resources, so why are Africans still living in an underdeveloped continent? Naturally Africa contains a variety of many rich minerals. One of the largest minerals that Africa holds is petroleum. Petroleum is mostly found in countries like Nigeria, Libya and Equatorial Guinea. These countries are some of the richest nations in Africa, with some of the highest Gross Domestic Profits in the past few years. They are also countries, mostly the southern nations, who boast the rights of having large reserves of gold, diamonds and copper. Then they are a great number of African nations who are blessed with fertile soil, for agricultural purposes, growing some of the most important crops supplying food and exporting goods to people and other nations. Even though we see that these minerals and crops produce most of Africa’s revenues, profit of this capital is found to be wasted. This money is normally given to the government, who dissipate this money on luxuries for the elite or on big projects that may have little or no return at all. We then find that colonialism could be another aspect that contributes to the economic underdevelopment in Africa. Just before decolonization, Africa obtained its highest sum of wealth. This was due to the amount of raw materials exported to countries mostly in Europe. As soon as most countries were independent, Africa was on the back-foot. After many Europeans and their leaders set off back off to their home lands, African nations were lacking individuals with training or education to operate their government that they had inherited. They didn’t know what to do, making it harder for them to make their economy stronger. Another notion that could be a contribution to this underdeveloped continent is corruption and misgoverning. This may be one of the main causes that may have led Africa to have become known as the ‘underdeveloped continent. The government may not be leading the country in the right direction, not putting the country on a path that may lead to a growth in the economy. The government may be spending their capital on luxuries, and not providing services like education and jobs for the less fortunate. All these problems arise, when discussing about why Africa is a poor continent. To resolve these issues, we may need to bring a new government into action, we may need to raise some funds, and we may need to use our resources well to make these very nations of Africa more developed than it ever was.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reflection Using The Gibb’s Reflective Cycle model Essay

In order to help me with my reflection I have chosen Gibbs (1988), as the model to help guide my reflective process. This model comprises of a process that helps the individual look at a situation and think about their thoughts and feelings at the time of the incident. Reflective skills help us to think about what could have been done, so that if a similar situation occurs again the experience gained can be used to deal with the situation in a professional manner (Palmer et al 1997). To enable me to use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as â€Å"James†. This is in order that his real name is protected and that confidentially maintained in line with the An Bord Altranais Code of Professional Conduct (2000). James, a seventeen year old boy was admitted with a fractured wrist who suffers with schizophrenia. Jame’s condition caused him to have delusions and hallucinations which made him act inappropriately towards other patients and staff. He found it hard to relax and paced the ward a lot. James constantly needed reassurance and would ask other patients and staff if he was all right. His questioning involved wanting to know if he was in trouble and if his eye balls were ok. Everyone would reply to his questions by saying: â€Å"yes James you are all right, your eyeballs are fine and no you are not in any trouble‟, but this was not enough, you also had to give the â€Å"thumbs up† as well to assure him that he was fine. When James became agitated he would act out by kicking people. Due to his small size and light weight, the kick was usually light and didn’t hurt but sometimes it had strength in it. This acting out led me to question my preceptor if James’s kicking was behavioural or part of the illness and why it hadn’t been dealt with. My preceptor relayed to me that the nurses had used various techniques including behavioural therapy to stop James’s kicking but nothing had worked. Doctors had also tried a number of different drugs to help James with his schizophrenia but nothing had worked for him there either. He had been taking Clozaril for a few months but it was not doing anything for his psychotic symptom s. James was even sent to the Maudsley hospital in England (a world leader in psychiatry research) to see if they could help him or if they had any ideas that could help him in his treatment but experts were mystified with him there also. Mealtimes were a very difficult process with James. If he could get away with it, he would never eat. He would play around with his food, smell it, ask if it was poisoned and ask various  questions to distract the nurse from what he or she was trying to do (which was trying to get James to eat). It was a very tedious task for the nurse in charge of him that day to get him to eat. The nurses always handled it professionally and with a lot of patience. Usually by the end of the meal James had eaten almost half of it and so would also have to drink a fortisip later to make up for his lack of dietary intake. One evening after a long and tiring day, the nurse in charge of James was busy and I was put in charge of him eating his dinner. As usual the task was very hard and James didn’t seem to take me very serious. I tried to emulate what I had seen the other nurses do but James would hardly touch his food. He even began spitting out his food on the plate and this really disgusted me. I tried not to let him know what I was thinking and behave like a professional. I also tried to encourage him by saying â€Å"come on now James, just a little bit more â€Å"and he did the usual by trying to distract me and asking questing like â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes†, but I wasn’t having it. This process went on for what seemed like an eternity and I was beginning to get very frustrated. I finally said to him, â€Å"if you don’t eat your food, I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby†. I then took his fork, scooped up some food and held it in front of him. I then said â€Å"now open your mouth†. It was then that it finally dawned on me what I was doing and I immedia tely stopped. I was filled with embarrassment as I realised the implications of my actions. I glanced around at the other tables to see if the other nurses and patients had seen or heard me, but they had not. I felt very glad that no one had witnessed my actions but also very ashamed of myself for what I had done. James didn’t seem very bothered by me and carried on with his questions. I was glad he didn’t seem angry or upset by what I had said but I also wondered if my actions had an effect on his unconscious feelings. When I had first saw James I was very intimidated and a little scared of him because he was very confrontational and tended to lash out. What was good about this experience was that I had finally gotten over my fear of him. By challenging him to eat, I felt more assertive and empowering. Kilkus (1993) claims that using assertive behaviour in nursing, empowers the nurse and is an invaluable component in the profession. The negative side to this incident was that I became too forceful and domineering. By saying to him â€Å"I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby† was very sarcastic of me  and subconsciously I was even mocking him. It also could have made James associate food with negative feelings and that would have set the nurses back in their progress with getting him to eat. Jacobsson et al (2004) asserts that food psychologically, can be associated with positive feelings of well-being and comfort or it can be associated with negative feelings of sorrow or b urden. Although James did not react to what I had said, this did not mean he did not comprehend it. It is common for schizophrenia sufferers to appear as though they have a lack of feelings. This is so, due to damaged pathways connecting the brain to facial expressions. Although it is possible that these feelings cannot be expressed, emotions are felt inside (Kring et al. 1993). James may not have understood the underlying meaning of what I was saying to him but we as human beings can convey and relate to others through expressions, gestures and body language. Whether one comprehends what you are saying or not, one can understand what you are really saying by how you hold yourself, showing how you feel and sometimes what you are thinking (Kozier et al. 2004). James often had trouble communicating what he wanted to say, which is a common aspect of the illness (Kring et al. 1993), and would often throw out words that made no sense to us. Sometimes he would talk about something that meant something else entirely different, for instance he might say; â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes† but would mean â€Å"I am worried about something†. Only the other nurses would know what he meant as they had experience with James over time. That evening while trying to get James to eat, he said â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes† and I took it as one of his usual ramblings that meant nothing. I should not have taken it at face value and tried to understand where it was coming from. If I am to become an effective nurse in the future I must have good communication skills with my patients. Only through good communication skills will I be able to establish the patient’s usual forms of communication and social interactions and identify any difficulties the patient may be experiencing. I must also learn how to treat the patient as an individual with their own individual needs and concerns (Taylor et al. 200 8).By saying to James â€Å"I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby† was very belittling of me. Perhaps a subconscious part of me was annoyed by his disease and I just did not want to deal with it. Eventually, when I become a staff nurse I will have to deal with psychiatric patients, and so I must learn to be open to the  patient (whether they have schizophrenia, Bipolar or any other psychiatric illness) by not having any prejudicial thoughts or perceptions. I must learn to show acceptance and respect (Browne, 1993). I was feeling very tired that evening and so because I was tired, I was probably a little irritable as well. Due to the way I felt and having the tedious task of getting James to eat, I may have acted in a way that I would not have, if I had not been tired. How nurses feel when they are tired may negatively impact their judgment and increase patient errors (Townsend &Anderson, 2009).Once I am a qualified staff nurse I am sure there will be days where I will be feeling very tired but that does not mean using the way I feel as a means to justify my actions. I must be a professional at all times, tired or not. Nursing is a professional practice that is constantly ev olving (Fasoli, 2010), and I as a nurse must act as a professional if I am to succeed in the profession. As a student nurse I need try to understand why James did not want to eat. One of the telltale signs of people with schizophrenia disorders is a deterioration in self-care skills. Individuals with the illness may not be interested in eating, may distrust the food and/or maybe too busy to eat or take care of themselves (Brooking et al. 1996). I was not taking this into consideration when I was trying to get him to eat his dinner. As a novice in the nursing profession, I could put this incident down to inexperience (Benner,1984). I could also put this experience down to bad judgement and bad communication skills on my behalf. Communication is not only the foundation of humanity but it is also the most crucial aspect of nurse-patient interactions (Taylor et al. 2008). I should not have tried to force James to eat. I should have kept trying to convince him to eat in a positive and understanding way (just like how I saw his nurse do before). By forcing James to eat I acted like a bully an d could have subconsciously made him associate eating with negative feelings (Jacobsson et al. 2004). I also could have shown more patience and empathy towards James. As a student nurse I must have patience and empathy for patients and also be sensitive to the patient’s psychological needs (Scully & Dallas, 2005). If this situation were to happen again, I would first examine my self-awareness. According to Bulman & Schutz, (2004, p.29) â€Å"Self-awareness may be described as the foundation skill upon which reflective practice is built†. It enables the nurse to view themselves in a specific situation and monitor what effect he  or she has on the situation and what effect the situation is having on him or her. Nurses with a healthy self-awareness are likely to have a positive effect on patient care. Having a good sense of self-awareness is also necessary for creating therapeutic relationships with one’s patients. As a student nurse I must also learn to communicate to the patient with knowledge and awareness in order to strive for the best for them. Through self- awareness I would have realised that I was tired and kept in mind not to let it have a negative effect on the patient. This is also another way to describe â€Å"reflection in action†. It is whereby the practitioner recognises a situation or problem and thinks about it while still carrying out an action (Schon, 1987). Also if this situation were to happen again I would remember what I had learned by my previous experience. My experience with James has taught me a lot about self-awareness, communicating effectively, empathy, patience, having a comprehension of the patient’s illness, respect, empowerment, not putting my feelings before the patients and staying positive. When this incident occurred I wanted to bury my head under the sand and wish that it never happened, but now I am grateful that it did happen because it gave me an opportunity to look deeper into the situation and deeper into myself. Using the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle model (Gibbs, 1988), has helped me to analyse what took place and examine my own insight and take on what happened. This experience was a learning curv e for me as a novice and it will be beneficial to my learning experience as I have many learning needs as a student nurse. I know realise that only through experience and reflection will I be able to learn from them(Benner, 1984).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cyber security is said to be a big issue for business costing not only Essay

Cyber security is said to be a big issue for business costing not only lost revenue but damaged reputations and lost custom. Yo - Essay Example Any cyber security program strives to ensure these four fundamental cyber security components. Information confidentiality enables the organization’s sensitive information to be a secret so that it does not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons for example the competitors. Information integrity ensures that the data that is stored is accurate and serves the purpose and is always up to date. Data availability enables information to be present any time the organization required. This is by preventing any vulnerability for example denial of service. This can give the competitor firm an avenue of bringing down the company by capitalizing on the weakness of the other company and at the same time enhancing its strength. The investigation was conducted by administering questionnaire to cyber security experts of various organizations. Interviews were also conducted with CISO of both business and non profit organizations. In addition, a thorough review of the existing literature on cyber threats and cyber security was conducted. Table of Contents Cyber security is said to be a big issue for business costing not only lost revenue but damaged reputations and lost custom. Your task is to investigate the need for cyber security and analyze the threats from which it protects business. ... A cyber security is a basis or the foundation of organization’s security for its information assets. Cyber attacks are a deliberate or unintentional unauthorized task, which cannot be avoided or is in avoidable that that is capable of causing a vagary on the cyberspace resources. The scope of cyber attack is expands from hardware, software, data that is stored, data in transit, people, documents and other hardware needed like printer cartridges. Findings and Analysis The organization information system is a critical asset that calls for utmost security. For instance, employee’s personal identification information, development plan and financial data are very critical to an organization. This information can fall into two broad categories. There are information that are secured or protected by the state and federal law and those that are based on contractual obligation (Jue 2012). The deliberate or accidental exposure of this information to illegal personnel can be detri mental to the university. The different types of attack that are detriment to cyber security are Threats targeting infrastructure (Invalidated input) Problem and situation The most prevalent threat to client computers is Keylogging and spyware. This is a malware that is built to illegally obtain, track and block the right of a user to get access to the system. An example of this attack is where someone or an individual tries to log on to the system or a website like an email account but the system or the site fails to authenticate the user. This threat is related to backdoor attack command. These are weapons that give remote access that are created to divert the functionality of the system.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Realization of Speech Act Requests encountered by Iraqi Learners Dissertation

The Realization of Speech Act Requests encountered by Iraqi Learners of English in Australian Universities - Dissertation Example The direct strategies will compare the respondents on the basis of imperative, performative, statements of obligation & necessity, statements of speaker’s needs and demands, and statements of speaker’s wishes and desires. The conventionally indirect strategies will focus on the suggestory formulae, the hearer’s ability when preparing a query and the hearer’s will when preparing a query. This is followed by the permission requests which are again query preparatory in the conventionally indirect strategies. The non-conventionally indirect strategies include the grounders, the feasibility for the requested act and the availability. At first the respondents were asked specific questions based on the ways in which they behave with other people when communicating or asking for particular requests in order to fulfill their requirements in one way or the other. This distribution clearly shows that the Iraqi learners living in Australia are more conservative and us e the conventionally indirect approach when asking other people for something or requesting other people for help in any of their quests. Most of them rely on the ability of the person they are talking to for their desired queries. This is followed by the ones who put in a permission request in order to satisfy their needs. 4.1 Choice of Strategy in High Power Settings: Question 1: The first question shows that the order questions made by the Iraqi people who have been in Australia for a shorter span of time will be focusing more on the permission request strategy which is conventionally indirect in the Australian English. These people are the ones who have been in Australia for a few months and others and have not been able to adapt the culture and the way Australians behave in a proper way. Almost 31.2% of the Iraqi people living in Australia will follow permission strategy which is followed by the hearer’s ability as 25.74% Iraqi’s were more inclined to use this as part of the request for the query that they may seek to ask for anything they have to. This is followed by the imperative style which takes in 22.86% of the answers of the Iraqi’s. This shows that they will be asking in a demanding way. There was equal distribution of respondents in their perspectives of the needs of speaker’s needs and demands and the speaker’s wishes and desires. This toll was around 8.57% of the 35 Iraqi respondents who were available for this survey. This shows that the Iraqi speakers will make some same and some different choices in terms of strategy compared to Vietnamese and the Australian speakers. Most of the Australian speakers use the permission and the ability strategy in order to make a request. The Vietnamese speakers will also use the imperative strategy along with the permission and the ability strategy. The rate at which they use the permission strategy is the same as compared to the rate of imperative strategy. Comparatively, t he Iraqi people will look forward to the permission strategy mostly, followed with the hearer’s ability when forming the strategy. They will also use the imperative strategy when it is needed but to a lesser extent compared to that of the Australians and the Vietnamese. Question 2: The second question was based on a situation in which one is an office manager who is looking for a document. The document is to be seen immediately after the meeting

Thursday, September 26, 2019

State of women's equality in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

State of women's equality in Canada - Essay Example Do factors like ethnicity and economic status determine the establishment of equality of women in Canada along with policymaking? Women’s interests were a part of policy making since the seventies. In the 80s the issue of representation of women in state legislations came into play. A comparison can be made in terms of the policy process between Canada’s Royal Commission and Commission for Gender Equality between Men and Women of Switzerland. In fact in case of women of Sweden and Canada, commitment to equality encompasses gender bias to some extent. In fact the effectiveness of government policies also depends upon how far women are able to organize and discipline themselves to face the resistance of men towards policies which endanger their conventional role of dominance. In Sweden women defended their position as â€Å"insiders† within political parties in order to have equal position with men in both private and public fields. In Canada however, the campaign of women’s equality moved slowly beyond communities of women who had hardly any effect on the men’s dominant position in political groups. In order to defend their status as outsiders they used the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1960. They presented their interests at the hearings of the Commission (Briskin& Eliasson, 1999, p.120). However the recommendations of the commission regarding women’s position were limited. The commissioner pressed the government for raising the funding for women’s groups and thus they rather established the outsider’s role of women legally than challenging the system of representation. Also the hearings and procedures favoured the elite groups of women from conservative households rather than the poor and working class or immigrant and ethically inferior women. Most of the representations came from the well known established groups (Briskin& Eliasson, 1999, p. 126). Canadian government introduced the Equal Op portunity Act as a tool against sexual discrimination. The act encouraged formation of unions by women activists. This emphasised an innovative structure of leadership and emphasis is led on accountability, participation (not representation) and bringing in more democracy in decision making amongst women (Briskin & Eliasson, 1999, pp.128-129). The book The Jade Peony discusses distinct women characters who reflect strength and determination in the form of decision making. Poh-Poh, the grandma, symbolizes respect and order. She teaches everyone in the family with the help of superstitions and encourages the younger generation to speak Chinese instead of following the Canadian culture. She is superstitious and always talks of superstitions and ghosts to teach the family members. The story represents immigration and the low economic status of the immigrants whose jobs were unstable. Women had no power within family and in decision-making roles as per the Western values but Grandma is m ore inclined towards Chinese customs according to which women played dominating roles in the family. Grandma’s adherence to superstitions is another escape from the poor conditions of livelihood. Her hands symbolize knowledge, creativity skills that are earned in the difficult way. Chinese people were brought in to do the hard manual jobs like railway building and then passed the law to freeze immigration from China. The old

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Erikson and Piaget in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erikson and Piaget in Action - Essay Example Piaget's preoperational stage and Erikson's Initiative Versus Guilt take place during the preschool years of ages three to six. Preoperational is Jean Piaget's second stage of development, which occurs during the preschool ages of three to six years. Three aspects of this stage are symbolic function, deferred imitation, and qualitative identity. "Symbolic function is the ability to use one thing as a symbol to represent something else." (Vasta et al 268). For example, the observed child used an empty laundry basket to represent driving a car. The child also used words to represent being a cat by meowing and licking hands like a cat licks paws saying, "I am a Kitty." Symbolic function develops skills used in the learning process for academic work. The teacher can develop representation by associating words with pictures to increase vocabulary, which in turn will also help increase social skills as well as academics. Deferred Imitation is when a child observes an action by someone and then imitates that action sometime in the future. For example, the caregiver of the child observed swept the floor yesterday and today the three year old is imitating her mother sweeping the floor. Deferred imitation proves not only the development of memory, but also the ability to learn by observation. Qualitative Identity is when a child knows that something does not changed even though it appears different. For example, crushing cheerios does not change them into another cereal: the cheerios are still cheerios. The sibling of the observed child ripped the three year olds' picture; the ripped picture was still her picture. However, a lack of conservation is a limitation for preschoolers in the preoperational stage. Observing the child practicing counting gave an understanding of conservation. For example, the caregiver created two rows of beads spread evenly and asked the child if they had the same number and the child answered correctly. However, when the caregiver spread one row longer then the other, the child believed that longer row had more beads than the shorter row even though both rows had the sa me number. The observed child focused only on the length of the line instead of counting the number of beads, which is an example of centration. Letting the child manipulate different objects, like clay, that can change shape and length without affecting quantity or volume can build conservation. Another cognitive skill that attribute to the academic work of preschoolers are egocentrism, class inclusion and serration. "Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish one's own beliefs from another's." (Vasta et al G-2). Children assume that a listener has all the same information that they have and this view of the world makes it difficult to understand the child when they are telling someone about their day. The caregiver of the observed child discovered difficulty when the child got hurt. The child assumed the caregiver knew how she got hurt and it took some questioning before the answer of how was give. The child was constantly referring to everything as "mine"; for example, my toys, my book, my television program. In the mind of a preschooler, the world is about them and nothing else is important. Despite the egocentric

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Researching a career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Researching a career - Essay Example A typical job of an accountant is an 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. routine schedule, Mondays to Fridays, or a traditional 40-hour per week full time position. A typical day would involve the following activities: working in front of the computers, processing relevant accounting information, communicating with peers and superiors, preparation of financial reports (including encoding, updating, forecasting), solving problems related to accounting, and maintaining close interaction and collaboration with other stakeholders in the organization (Summary Report for Accountants). The education requirements for this career are: a bachelor’s degree in accounting or business administration. Passing board examinations to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA); and certifications or licenses sought from various accounting organizations and agencies, such as the: Institute of Management Accountants, Institute of Internal Auditors, and Information Systems Audit and Control Association, to name a few. Accordingly, the prospects for this career is optimistic: â€Å"employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 13 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations† (Bureau of Labor Statistics: Job Outlook par. 1). This was corroborated by information from the O*Net Online that indicated average growth prospects ranging from 8% to 14% for the years 2012 to 2022 (Summary Report for Accountants). The most challenging parts of the career would be during times of audit; when the organization they serve is being monitored, evaluated, and reviewed by external auditors to verify the accuracy of the financial reports being disclosed. Likewise, it was also noted that â€Å"longer hours are typical at certain times of the year, such as at the end of the budget year or during tax season† (Bureau of Labor Statistics: Work Enviroment par. 2). The most rewarding things about the career include being

Monday, September 23, 2019

International comparisons of stock market volatility Essay

International comparisons of stock market volatility - Essay Example Even researchers and practitioners have made modeling of stock volatility a subject of empirical and theoretical study. Historically, stock market volatility is approximately 20% per annum and 5.8% per month even though periods of high and low volatilities are experienced. During the financial crisis, there was a 50 percent drop in stock prices. The effects of the crisis are still being felt due to increased public and private debt, levels of unemployment and global capitalism. The governments are doing their best to prevent and contain the situation buy formulating new policies and reforming major sectors. Volatility measures the degree of variability between stock prices. In other words, it determines the degree of deviation between the current price of an asset and the average past price. To understand volatility, it is important to take a look at the nature and trends of global markets and the correlation of the stock market returns. For many investors, volatility is a risk, thus , it is to be taken into consideration in analyzing their portfolios. Some of the factors that lead to volatility include changes in technology, new financial instruments such as derivatives and the increased integration of global markets. Volatility is measurable, and the commonly used measure is Chicago Board Options Exchange Index (CBOE) of implied (VIX) volatility. In this paper, we will use a sample of 19 emerging markets economies (EMEs) and developed market in Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Asia as a basis of comparison on the stock market’s volatility. Most of the previous research papers focused on regional and local stock markets but due to the national integration that is linking markets globally, we use will compare countries from different continents (Beirne et al 2008). Nature of stock markets in emerging and developed markets Global markets consist of emerging and developed stock markets. A few studies have been done to examine the characteristics of em erging markets. According to these studies, emerging markets are characterized by higher average returns, low correlations with developed markets, higher volatility and more predictability of returns (Chukwuogor 2008). Their main argument was that volatility in emerging markets is high and difficult especially in the segmented markets. Segmented markets are influenced by local factors. Their returns tend to be skewed and highly non-normally distributed. Volatility in emerging markets has been declining following capital market capitalization. The correlation in emerging markets is quite higher than in the developed markets due to lack of diversification and trading depths (Chukwuogor 2008). The volatility in these markets is highly influenced by social, political, economic factors. Data and methodology The studies also focused only on the emerging markets and not developed markets. We will use daily returns and volatilities of such returns for the 19 countries using data from 2001 t o 2009. We use the GARCH model to determine the means and variances of stock returns in these countries. The Standard and Poor (S & P) index is used to rank the countries. Below is a table showing the emerging and developed markets. TABLE 1 Country Index USA S&P 500 UK FTSE 100 France CAC 40 Germany DAX 30 Xetra Australia All Ordinaries China/Hong kong Hang Seng Singapore Strait Times Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Thailand stock exchange of Thailand China Shanghai

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Crimean Crisis of 2014 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Crimean Crisis of 2014 - Case Study Example Consequently, under the justification of â€Å"responsibility to protect† the Russian minorities in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea in March, 2014 (Yuhas 2014). The Russian annexation of Crimea caused a massive stir on a global level and the action was condemned by majority of global leaders. The Crimean crisis has been considered as a significant global issue which has caused severe impact on relations between western world and Russia and their allies. Also, the crisis caused massive blow to economic stability in Ukraine and Russia. The clashes between the West and Russia through economic sanctions, energy politics, and political pressure have threatened the global stability and brought the world on the verge of Cold War II (Koshkin 2014). The causes of Crimean crisis can be traced in current global politics and contested perceptions of the state identity in Ukrainian society. The purpose of this case study is to investigate the Crimean crisis of 2014. By means of various researches and available reports, the paper will examine the root causes of crisis and its impact on various groups. The paper will also present potential solutions in order to abate the negative effects of the crisis. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, internationally recognized as a part of Ukraine, is situated on a peninsula which has spread between the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea with Russian border to its east (BBC Monitoring 2014). In the late 2013, Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych faced a choice when the country was moving towards economic crisis. He could select a long-term, but initially troublesome deal with the EU to boost trade and integration, or he could secure a $15 billion loan from Russia and join the Eurasian Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus (Woehrel 2014, p. 1-2). After continuous

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Building Positive Relationships in Children Essay Example for Free

Building Positive Relationships in Children Essay To help your child understand feelings you could do a feeling chart or make a feeling tree in your home. To make a feelings chart just draw out faces with how there expression might be when they are feeling that way an do the expressions yourself when showing them. This will give your child a better understanding of their feelings and how they can express them through facial expressions. For a feeling tree its much the same idea as a feeling card but you just take in a branch from a tree and stick the faces with the expressions on it. this will help a child express themselves when they can’t do it through facial expressions. The Significance of friendship Buy them some books with plenty of colourful pictures with the theme of friendship and them to them.this will help show them how nice it is to have friends and how to make them and keep them. It is only after the age of three that children can incorperate other children into their playtime activities so at around this age ask other parents if they would like to make a playdate for their child and yours n a regular basis.this will get your child used to other childrens company.you can also talk about what they did together at dinner or quiet time alone and encourage them to do it again. Communication and Respect To help your child with communication you need to be a good example to them.talk to them as much as you can about your day and ask how theirs was.even talking about their favourite tv programme would be good as they will be more likely to talk about something that they’re interested in. To teach them about respect you need to set a good example for this as well. Giving them boundaries will also help and treating them with respect will encourage them to do the same to you. Factors that impact/Motivate children Tou tourself have a major impact on your child.they learn from how you react to situations and other peaople and will use this as a guide for themselves. Also the tv programmes that they watch will make an impact on them and can also motivate them to try new things that they wouldn’t of thought of themselves. .

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Analysis Of Microwave Ovens English Language Essay

An Analysis Of Microwave Ovens English Language Essay Microwave oven is a kitchen appliance which cooks food using microwave energy. Microwave oven is quick and efficient equipment because it transfers heat energy directly to the molecules inside foods. Microwave is a form of electromagnetic radiation which is very close to radio waves and sunlight. Microwave oven has shortened the time to prepare food. The history of microwave oven began in the era of World War II. It has experienced a lot of changes before the present model of the microwave oven is formed. Similar to other great inventions, the invention of microwave oven happened accidently. In 1945, an American electrical engineer, Dr. Percy Spencer (1894-1970), was carrying out experiment with radar equipment, which detects objects by bouncing waves and analyzing the signals it produced. For example, radio waves are used to help ships and airplanes find their way around in darkness or poor weather. Dr. Percy Spencer had a bar of chocolate in his pocket when he was conducting experiment using a special kind of vacuum tube called a magnetron. Surprisingly, the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted due to the heat of the magnetron generated. He was curious about the heat generated by the magnetron. Hence, he leaved some popcorn kernels close to magnetron tube and observed it. He watched the popcorn started to sputter, crack and p op everywhere. Next day, Dr. Percy Spencer and his partner place an egg near the magnetron tube. They observed that the egg started to shake and quake due to the high rise in temperature create high pressure in the egg. Eventually, the egg exploded and splashed the egg yolk all over his partners face. After conducting few experiments, Dr. Percy Spencer came out a scientific conclusion which is microwave energy can be used to heat items. In 1953, he patented his idea and the first microwave oven was launched. In order to create a high density electromagnetic field, he used a metal box which there is a supply of microwave power in it. The food was put into the metal box and then the food was heated up rapidly. The early equipment was large, inefficient and expensive. In 1967, the first household microwave oven was formed and then microwave oven is now become widely used around the world. firstmicro.gif The Features of Microwave Oven Some of the features of the microwave oven are shown as below: Magnetron Waveguide Automatic Cooking Programmes Power Supplyuntitled1.JPG Cooling Fan/Stirrer Turntable Cool Touch Door Child Lockmicrowave2.jpg Interlock Below are some of the explanations of the features which assist the microwave oven in cooking food: Automatic Cooking Programmes Users are allowed to enter the weight and type of food into the programmes. Then, the oven will automatically selects the temperature and cooking time. Below are some of the pre-set programmes : Easy clock oven programming The time of day is displayed by the electronic clock. Besides, the electronic clock also acts as a countdown timer to show the end of the timer function. The microwave oven will do the rest after users set the end time, the duration of cooking together with the functions and temperature of cooking. Numeric keypad Cooking time and power levels are set by using this numeric keypad. It is more convenient to use compared to a dial. 1-minute or 30-second key The preset cooking time is extended, maintaining any power level which was chosen. Quick adjustments are also allowed to the previous settings by pressing the specific buttons. Power Supply The power supply allows users to control the amount of energy wasted. The variable power control enables users to simmer the food at 50% power whereas defrost the food at 30% power. Thus, full power is not used for all purposes to avoid energy loss. Cool Touch Doors The heat can be stored in the reflective inner whereas the cool touch door is placed on the outside of microwave oven. Protective metal gauze is located at the back of the door to avoid microwaves escape to surrounding. The protective metal gauze is also designed for safety purpose. Cooling Fan/Stirrer Cool air is circulated around the oven to ensure the appliance and nearby furniture are kept cool all the time. Besides, hot air vented from the microwave oven is also cooled. This results in less steam as cooler air is vented into kitchen. It virtually eradicates grease discolouration. Magnetron The microwaves are generated by magnetron which is the heart of the microwave oven. This strong metal box prevents harmful microwaves from escaping to the surrounding. Interlock There has a chance for burning if the door of the microwave oven, which is still running, is opened. Therefore, the microwave oven should stop immediately when the door is opened. The Interlock is designed to ovoid the running of microwave oven if the door is opened. Turntable Equal amount of heat could not be dissipated all over the food in microwave oven resulting some part of food might receive more heat whereas some part of food receive less heat. Turntable is a revolving glass which is installed into microwave oven to ensure even cooking. The turntable rotates the food so that the food is cooked evenly. It is crucial that having a turntable inside the microwave oven to ensure even cooking. Without this feature, users have to stop the microwave oven several times and turn the food by themselves. Child Lock Child lock is the most reliable child safety feature for microwave oven. Dishes in microwave oven might be very hot. Children might be in the risk if they open the door and touch the dishes. Child lock can be controlled using the key pad on the microwave oven. Waveguide Waveguide is a hollow metal tube which transports the microwave energy into the cooking cavity. Rectangular shaped waveguides are used for vast majority of microwave oven. The microwaves energy travel by reflecting form side to side in a zigzag pattern. 130411 Microwave oven The Functions of Microwave Oven How do microwaves cook food?Simple artwork showing how a microwave oven works There are several main parts of a microwave oven. A microwave generator, which is called a magnetron is placed inside the strong metal box. When you start to cook, the power outlet transmits the electricity to the magnetron. Then, a high-powered, 12 cm high-frequency electromagnetic wave is converted by the magnetron. After that, wave guide blasts these waves into food partition. The food is then placed on a turntable which will spin slowly to enable the food to be cooked evenly. The microwaves do not simply rebound when microwaves reach the food. This concept is same as the radio waves which can penetrate straight through the walls of buildings. When the microwaves travel through the food, they cause the water molecules inside the food vibrate more quickly. The microwave energy which is produced by the magnetron is converted into heat energy of the water molecules. Dry food such as rice and pasta will not cook in the microwave oven without the presence of water. Hence, the heat energy causes the molecules to vibrate more quickly. Besides, the vibrating molecules contain heat too, the quicker the molecules vibrate, the hotter the food. Thus, the microwaves transfer energy onto molecules in the food and rapidly heating up. Shortcomings of Microwave Oven A coin has two sides and so does any device. A microwave oven too has its own strength and weakness. Like other kitchen appliance, microwaves also have some demerits. Some of the shortcomings of microwave oven are shown as below: Uneven Cooking There are chances of the food getting over cooked or unevenly cooked. Unevenly cooked may result in the hot food being on top and uncooked food at the bottom. The surface of food which exposed to the most microwaves has a tendency to heat up faster than the insides. Normally, the microwaves have to neglect molecules on the outside in order to excite the molecules inside the food. The thicker the food, the more difficult the microwaves penetrate the food. Specific Utensils are Required Microwave oven need specific utensils to cook food as not all metals and alloy vessels can be used. Some of the materials, such as metal and foil, are tended to reflect microwave energy. Usage of metal utensils in microwave oven is avoided except for some recommended procedures which use metal and foil as outlined in the use and care manual. The following are the reasons why metal and foil should be avoided in microwave oven: The efficiency of cooking is largely decreased due to the metal utensils only allow partial penetration of the food by the microwaves. An arc between the metal utensils and the cavity interior can damage the oven if the food is too small to absorb the microwave energy. Superheating It is dangerous to heat liquids as they can be superheated which may lead to explosions. The actual problem happened when this superheated liquid is perturbed. Superheated liquid in conjunction with the agitation are enough to prompt troubles. The superheated liquid is able to burst off with the additional force on any disturbance. Risk of Steam Blasts The tight covering of containers can cause a high risk of steam blasts in the microwaves. As the temperature rise up, the molecules in the container receive more kinetic energy. Thus, the molecules collide each other create higher pressure in the container than outside. When the pressure inside the container exceeds its limitation, it will produce an explosion within the microwave oven. Recommendations Based on the above shortcomings listed, the recommendations for above shortcomings are given as below: Uneven cooking Food thermometer can be used to test food in several places to make sure that the food has reached the recommended temperature in order to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms which could cause food borne diseases. Moreover, food is arranged evenly in a covered dish and some liquid is added to promote uniform cooking. If it is possible, large pieces of meat is deboned because bone can affect performance of meat during cooking. Special Utensils are Required Microwave-safe containers and vessels should be used for cooking. The cookware, which specifically manufactured for use in the microwave oven, should be selected during cooking. Utensils which are safe to use typically will be labeled for microwave oven use. Examples of the utensils which are safe to use are heatproof glass, glass-ceramic, oven cooking bags and etc. Superheating Avoid heating liquids for more than two minutes. Liquid do not bubble as they reach the boiling point in the microwave oven. Thus, it might get superheated. The superheated liquid only will bubble when it is moved and something disturbs it. When heating liquids, it is advisable to put a wooden stick in the container in order to prevent super heating of the liquid. After heating, the liquid is placed in the microwave oven for thirty second before taking it out. Risk of Steam Blasts The containers of the microwave oven are never covered tightly. The heated containers should not be taken out immediately after cooking from the microwave. This can ensure that the food is cooked properly and the steam is allowed to escape. Conclusion As all of us know, microwave ovens are often be used daily in kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, snack bars and homes. Today, it is perhaps the most successful electric appliance introduction in the 20th century. In a world where time means money and life is on the fast lane, we do not really have time to wait around much anymore. Everyone wants things to be fast.  With the existence of microwave oven, we can do quick cooking just with the press of a button.   The food can be prepared from the refrigerator to the microwave oven and onto the dining table in a short time.   If compared to the gas or electric oven, we do not need to worry about the burner whether it is still being heated after the food is prepared by using microwave oven. Thus, the chance for someone to get burned can be reduced. Microwave oven users are often concerned about the issues of potential health hazards from the exposure to microwave radiation leakage. However, with the latest technology advances in door seal design, the leakage of microwave oven has been greatly minimized. Also, as long as the microwave oven is kept clean and dry in a safe location, it should be perfectly safe to use. We should know that successful microwave cooking depends on understanding the limitations as well as the benefits of this type of cooking. If it is used in a proper way, it can be considered that the microwave oven offers a great, convenient and safe method of food preparation without any harmful effects on consumer safety or nutrition. In conclusion, the microwave oven has come a long way, decreased in height, weight, and price. It has made everyone life easier.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Long Shadow of Little Rock: The Story of Elizabeth Eckford :: Civil Rights,

In 1950's America, there was a uprising that would sculpt the world into the place we now inhabit. The particular event in question is one concerning the black communities plight in 1950's America, with names such such as Rosa Parks, Emmett Till and (most importantly), Elizabeth Eckford Heading the list of names who took a stand, and, in turn, made America the place it is today. As the years went by, details of the many riots the segregation incurred were documented. The focus of this essay will be on a particular documentation titled 'The Long Shadow of Little Rock', a book published in 1962 on what happened to Elizabeth Eckford in Little Rock, Arkansas. However, just what can we learn from this Document? Firstly however, before we start, we need to scan the documentation, and see what Elizabeth Eckford's recreation of the day in question events was. The basic story she portrays, is that of her eventful first day at Little Rock High School. Elizabeth was one of 9 black students, specially selected by the colleges authorities, in a bid to banish racism within its high school. The reason Elizabeth was chosen was due to her amazing academic results. So, the plot is set, now we need to start the analysis. To start off with, we need to look for any obvious factors associated with the documentation that could affect the accuracy of the document. In the case of 'The Long Shadow of Little Rock' one of these obvious factors would be that this documentation was written by the victim. Now this factor is a double edged sword, Elizabeth could either be brutally honest about her plight (in the hope that somebody would listen), or she could exaggerate what actually happened in an attempt to shock the reader and in turn gain attention and support in the form of a higher authority. The second factor we can infer is that the crowd that greeted her was firstly bigger 'the crowd began to follow me', secondly she was in some way segregated from the other 8 black students to join on that day 'the crowd began to follow me' and last but not least we can infer (most importantly) that this 'mob' that had singled her out were violent white racists with quotes such as 'Lynch Her! Lynch Her!' coming from the crowd in pursuit of her. When we read further on into the text, we see just how massive a risk the college took by enrolling these 9 black students into their segregated school.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hamlet Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

Comedy lightens the mood, progresses the plot, and provides a necessary reprieve from the suspense of the play. Comedic relief commands a vital role in the William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. In order to maintain the audience’s interest, an author inserts puns and other comedic vices to enhance their work. Shakespeare constantly introduces characters to allay the strain on the audience from past events in the plot. This comedic relief usually contains a hidden meaning or message that augments the plot. In the play Hamlet Osric, Polonius, and the Gravedigger are used as these conduits of humor. The character Osric relieves much of the tension built from the proceeding acts. His interjection in this tragedy culminates with Hamlet and Laertes’ fighting sequences. Hamlet manipulates this character by exploiting his obedience to royalty when he states, â€Å"Put your bonnet to his right use, ‘tis for the head† (V.ii.101). Osric replies, â€Å"I thank your lordship, it is very hot† (V.ii.102). Hamlet then responds â€Å"No, believe me, ‘tis very cold; the wind is north- / erly† (V.ii.103). Hamlet persists with this ruse, constantly pressuring Osric to remove and replace his hat. This scene mitigates the stress from the graveyard scuffle and leads into Hamlet and Laertes’ duel. Shakespeare further uses Osric to express his personal opinion on the class structure of the present society. William Shakespeare criticizes the new wealthy merchant class, prevalent in the Elizabethan era, through Hamlet and Osric’s dialogue. Hamlet ridicules Osric and his social standing in an aside to Horatio, â€Å"Let a beast be lord of beasts, and his crib shall / Stand at the King’s men† (V.ii.95-96). Hamlet implies that any fool with money can gain entran... ...nteractions with the Gravedigger. Although this character has a relatively small role, he has an enormous impact on the course of the play. Comedic relief plays a vital role in any tragedy or suspenseful play: It serves as a stark contrast to the harsh reality being presented throughout the story. In the tragedy Hamlet by William Shakespeare, comedy is utilized to distract the audience from the dramatic course of events. The theatrical plot also progresses with the comedic relief inserted in the play. Shakespeare brilliantly develops his characters in a comedic way that continues the plot and eases his spectators. If writers chose not to offset tragedy with comedy, the story would simply be too depressing to entertain the vast audiences. Therefore, it is fair to surmise that without comedic relief, Hamlet may not have been the iconic story it has become. Hamlet Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare Comedy lightens the mood, progresses the plot, and provides a necessary reprieve from the suspense of the play. Comedic relief commands a vital role in the William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. In order to maintain the audience’s interest, an author inserts puns and other comedic vices to enhance their work. Shakespeare constantly introduces characters to allay the strain on the audience from past events in the plot. This comedic relief usually contains a hidden meaning or message that augments the plot. In the play Hamlet Osric, Polonius, and the Gravedigger are used as these conduits of humor. The character Osric relieves much of the tension built from the proceeding acts. His interjection in this tragedy culminates with Hamlet and Laertes’ fighting sequences. Hamlet manipulates this character by exploiting his obedience to royalty when he states, â€Å"Put your bonnet to his right use, ‘tis for the head† (V.ii.101). Osric replies, â€Å"I thank your lordship, it is very hot† (V.ii.102). Hamlet then responds â€Å"No, believe me, ‘tis very cold; the wind is north- / erly† (V.ii.103). Hamlet persists with this ruse, constantly pressuring Osric to remove and replace his hat. This scene mitigates the stress from the graveyard scuffle and leads into Hamlet and Laertes’ duel. Shakespeare further uses Osric to express his personal opinion on the class structure of the present society. William Shakespeare criticizes the new wealthy merchant class, prevalent in the Elizabethan era, through Hamlet and Osric’s dialogue. Hamlet ridicules Osric and his social standing in an aside to Horatio, â€Å"Let a beast be lord of beasts, and his crib shall / Stand at the King’s men† (V.ii.95-96). Hamlet implies that any fool with money can gain entran... ...nteractions with the Gravedigger. Although this character has a relatively small role, he has an enormous impact on the course of the play. Comedic relief plays a vital role in any tragedy or suspenseful play: It serves as a stark contrast to the harsh reality being presented throughout the story. In the tragedy Hamlet by William Shakespeare, comedy is utilized to distract the audience from the dramatic course of events. The theatrical plot also progresses with the comedic relief inserted in the play. Shakespeare brilliantly develops his characters in a comedic way that continues the plot and eases his spectators. If writers chose not to offset tragedy with comedy, the story would simply be too depressing to entertain the vast audiences. Therefore, it is fair to surmise that without comedic relief, Hamlet may not have been the iconic story it has become.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Eugenics: An Excuse To Be A Racist Or A Means To A Better Tomorrow? :: essays research papers

Eugenics: An Excuse to be a Racist or a Means to a Better Tomorrow? The term eugenics was coined in the late 19th century. Its goal was to apply the breeding practices and techniques used in plants and animals to human reproduction. Francis Galton stated in his Essays in Eugenics that he wished to influence "the useful classes" in society to put more of their DNA in the gene pool. The goal was to collect records of families who were successful by virtue of having three or more adult male children who have gain superior positions to their peers. His view on eugenics can best be summarized by the following passage: What nature does blindly, slowly, and ruthlessly, man may do providently, quickly, and kindly. As it lies within his power, so it becomes his duty to work in that direction. They sought to establish this by discouraging marriages that were unfavorable in terms of eugenics by attaching to them the stigmas associated with marriage between cousins. Margaret Sanger, the pioneer of the movement for birth control, came from a family that would have been viewed by Galton to be unsuitable for reproduction according to eugenics. She was the sixth of eleven children born into her poor Irish family. She felt that women's reproductive freedom was essential. She coined the term voluntary motherhood and opened the first birth control clinic in the country in Brooklyn in 1916. Like many others who supported the birth control movement, she also supported the idea of eugenics trusting that the "human race could be improved through 'controlled breeding'." Sanger felt that all the problems of society were centered around uncontrolled breeding. She decided that women had the right to know about methods of contraception and about the workings of their own bodies. Her views are best summarized by her statement regarding women's reproductive freedom: The basic freedom of the world is woman's freedom . . .. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." Angela Davis felt that birth control was not only advantageous to minority and lower-class women, but to women of "all classes and races." She did not however think that fewer children would help the plight of the human race and "could create more jobs, higher wages, better schools, etc., etc." She felt that if women were not troubled by several childbirths and miscarriages that they could pursue other avenues of life outside of the constraints of marriage and motherhood.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Neglecting of Students Essay

In the story â€Å"I Just Wanna Be average† poetry, scholarly research, textbook, and book writer Mike Rose recounts his years in vocational track school. I agree with Rose’s views on teachers not valuing their students and them neglecting them as well. The sentence â€Å"I just want to be average† is what manifested this whole paper. Not an individual not a person at high standards but just average, Roses approach to this issue is very significant and formal. He fixates on this sentence because he then realizes that those in the vocational school were trying to be someone else instead of themselves. â€Å"Reject the confusion and frustration by openly defining yourself as the Common Joe† (Rose 3). The common joe was exactly what the students were trying to be. Rose uses his own experience of being placed into vocational school because of a test mix up. He talks about his frustration of not being valued as an individual. He talks about his other classmates with great detail. His title came from his classmate Ken Harvey one day in religion class, he said the sentence that turned out to be one of the most memorable of the hundreds of thousands I heard in the Voc. Ed. Years. We were talking about the parable of the talents, about achievement, working hard, doing the best you can do, blah-blah-blah, when the teacher called on the restive Ken Harvey for an opinion. Ken thought about it, but just for a second and said (with studied, minimal affect), â€Å"I just wanna be average.† That woke me up. Average? Who want to be average? (Rose 3) Rose talks about how that sentence has stayed with him for years. â€Å"The vocational track, however, is most often a place for those who are just not making it, a dumping ground for the disaffected† (Rose 2). So throughout the whole story he tries to make it understandable of how that sentence connects with the education system and he does that by showing how the â€Å"disaffected† students are looked at. As a matter of fact Rose was lucky enough to switch to college prep where he met Mr. MacFarland a teacher who was dedicated to teach his heart out. At first, we couldn’t believe this guy, thought he slept in his car. â€Å"But within no time, he had us so startled with work that we didn’t much worry about where he slept or if he slept at all. We wrote three or four essays a month. We read a book every two to three weeks, starting with the Iliad and ending up with Hemingway. He gave us a quiz on  the reading every other day. He brought a prep school curriculum to Mercy High. (Rose 5) This quote shows how Rose was introduced to a class where he could not get by, by using one half of his brain. So instead of being average and thinking average he had to rise to another level. So he worked hard and he became hooked and interested in Mr. MacFarland teachings. Rose makes his point of how his teacher had impacted his life. What I enjoyed the most about Mike Rose story is his use of personal experiences to get his point across about the neglecting of students. The main point and the situation both associate with each other very well because of the way the story is organized, which brings great quality to the story. I do feel as if Rose does not look at his fortune as something that he truly earned because he is very intelligent. I like how Rose expresses how the potential to reach high standards is up to the student but yet the teacher is the one there to enhance your understandings. When he uses the word average I feel like he uses it loosely as if he doesn’t use it with a complex meaning. I think when Rose is saying being average he is talking about blending in with those that are considered normal. He is pretty much saying that any and everyone can be average. I feel like being average is not important because everyone will live their lives according to how they feel comfortable. Judgment has always been in the air and it will never go away. Instead of students trying to be average, teachers need to step up to the plate and serve as a key point in student’s educations. Teachers need to do what they are hired to do and they need to stop half doing their jobs. If a parent is not supportive in a child’s education than I believe that the teacher should be the child’s number 1 supporter. Instead of looking at some children as â€Å"disaffected† teachers should look at them as unique. I say that because every child deserves the chance and opportunity to earn an education. With or without great intelligence every student should be valued and treated fair. Rose’s story is very effective as it is, his encounters in life is a lesson well learned for him to pass on to others. References Rose, M. (1989). I Just Wanna Be Average. Mike Rose

A Qualitative Study on Technology and Its Effects

There are several reasons behind the reference made by educational experts upon the effects of technology upon the learning progress of the students based upon the implication of the said modern innovation based upon the quality of education fostered by the said element of educational advancement.For this particular reason, I aim to examine the actual results that technology actually leaves the students with as they try to push through with their studies in American schools. Constant assessment of the effects that the technological innovations place upon the systems of learning among students in the United States is believed to be among the procedures by which the quality of education could be increased in the said country.Handling students who are from different countries and races are normally one of the challenges that the said country particularly faces. Through this, the studies made to prove the impact of technology upon learning have made this challenge much easier to deal wit h since technology is indeed becoming the common language of students around the world.To be able to get through with the study, I aim to present the ideas supporting technology’s effectiveness in education through addressing the question â€Å"How is technology able to improve the learning procedures and progress of students of the present modern generation?†The qualitative approach has been proposed for the completion of the paper for the aim of actually assessing the current educational situation among schools in the United States based on the quality of teaching that the students receive from their educators and the quality of learning that they are able to imply within themselves through technology.Literature ReviewTo be able to meet the discussions needed for this study, I aims to use three major books namely Nicola Yelland’s Shift to the Future: Rethinking Learning with New Technologies in Education; Oliver Van DeMille’s A Thomas Jefferson Educatio n: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century; and Ann E. Barron’s New Technologies for Education: A Beginner's Guide from which the major issues and theories of the merging of technology and education that would be presented in the study shall come from.Along with these, two major internet websites pertaining to the topic being discussed would also be added as a source for this paper.The said sites are entitled â€Å"An Evaluative Study of Modern Technology in Education† by Seymour   Pappert which talks about the evaluative results on the effects of technology upon learning and teaching; and the article on the â€Å"Incorporation of Technology into Modern Education† which primarily discusses the ways by which technology is implemented in education in the American region. These sources shall be treated by I as the primary source of information as support to the ideas that are to be presented within the study.Proposed MethodologyThe method by which I aim to utilize to be able to come up with the necessary actual proofs that would support the claims I would be suspending shall be the assessment of the impact of technology upon learning through interviews and survey made on a particular Californian Public School in comparison with the results of a survey made on an online learning institution.The survey should be more of like a written interview-survey material that shall be passed on to other students through the internet, while actual interviews shall be done among the young students of a Californian school. The fact that I would be interviewing both the children and the educators shall help me see and actually be affected by the result of the supposed to be performed interview within the research.Significance of the StudyI see the impact of this study as a major way by which educators would be able to understand the essentiality of the implications of technology upon the learning strategies that the institutions serve to their students particularly in the United States. Observing the evaluations made upon the effects of technology in the modern day learning shall indeed add up to the knowledge of the institutions making it easier for them to accept the fact that technology is now a necessity in teaching and learning as well.As for my own part, I see the importance of this study to have an impact on the ways by which I particularly view the importance of technology in teaching my students with regards several issues in the society especially with regards the modern innovations of the communication systems within the human society. As I have taught basic computer application to college students for two years and now currently work as a Computer Resource Assistant in a High School, I know that this study shall give me the knowledge that I need to apply in my career.And since when I finish my masters, I also intend to teach college or adult education, be a school district instructional technology sup ervisor or technology trainer in corporate settings, I know that this study shall affect my motivation in my aspirations in the future. I am also thinking about opening a training center that would offer crash courses for computer applications, learning the impacts of the technology upon learning shall indeed help me understand the needed applications for the training in a better perspective.BIBLIOGRAPHY:First 1100 characters of Incorporation of Technology into Modern Education. (2005). Incorporation of Technology into Modern Education. http://www.123helpme.com/preview.asp?id=27239. (June 11, 2007).Seymour Papert. (2001). An Evaluative Study of Modern Technology in Education. http://www.papert.org/articles/AnEvaluativeStudyofModernTechnology.html. (June 11, 2007).Oliver Van DeMille. (2006). A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century. George Wythe College Press; 2nd edition.Nicola Yelland. (2006). Shift to the Future: Rethinking Learni ng with New Technologies in Education. Routledge; 1 edition.Ann E. Barron. (1997). New Technologies for Education: A Beginner's Guide. Libraries Unlimited; 3 Sub edition.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Change Management and Communication Plan Essay

Riordan Manufacturing is doing big things to improve their organization. They have decided to change how the organization manages their customer management system. The company has not had any formal system for managing their customer information and has in the past left this up to each individual employee. This new system will incorporate the use of one customer management system that will be accessed by all employees. Our team will be assisting with this process and will ensure that our plan will make Riordan more effective. During this process we will need to have several planning meetings to assist with the implementation of this new process and the use of our new customer management system. We as a team will ensure that all steps are carefully planned and well presented to the employees. Our number one goal is to make the company more effective. The topics we will need to address include the organizational structure to include chain of command, organizational culture, and the strategy we will use to make these changes effective. Their current method of management is the chain of command. This allows each division to have a supervisor and many levels between the bottom and the top. The level of supervision includes supervisors, middle managers, and executive managers. The informal power structure is a team-oriented working environment. Assignments are currently being completed by appropriate communication among the employees. The lack of focus on individual success is often overlooked. Decentralization can also be a disadvantage as it can lead to control problems for management. This structure can generally increase conflict among employees. The most effective organizational structure that would benefit Riordan would include self-directed teams. Riordan’s team environment would be excellent for  self-directed teams. Self-directed teams can offer several advantages. The largest factor we considered is motivating the employees. This will allow them the highest level of job satisfactory by boosting morale and giving them meaningful positions. Employees that have high levels of job satisfactory are much more engaged in supporting their organization. An employee’s behavior is influenced by their company’s culture. The organizational culture at Riordan includes fairness, dedication, teamwork, performance evaluations and benefits accommodations. Everything the company offers is factored into the culture. These influence an employee’s motivation and will help an employee grow and gain additional experience and knowledge. Some potential influences include career advancement, job security which in return will lead to loyal employees, excellent customer service provided by the employees, and compensation satisfaction. One of the most difficult challenges a company is tasked with is implementing change. As long as a company knows and understands how to effectively implement change, the less resistance they will receive. Reasons that employees resist change include: lack of awareness to the change, fear of being out of comfort zone, fear of not understanding the reasons for change, personal feelings towards the change, conflicts, and fear for lack of job security. Management should always be prepared to effectively deal and handle the resistance most employees will impose. Some strategies Riordan Company should follow include; effective communication of any ideas and implementation of change prior to the change date. Management should always be mindful of employee concerns and work on different training methods to help them cope with any changes that will be occurring. Every employee should be given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the changes. Another strategy is to expect the resistance when implementation takes place. The best way to handle that is to address it formally and identify the root causes of the change as well as appoint the right leaders to effectively communicate and address any potential issues. As far as the implementation of the new system goes, the next 12 months will be critical. A plan will help to dictate the direction in which the plan will take the business. Providing a detailed step-by-step instruction manual, so to speak, will be the best chance for the success of the implementation. It may take a bit longer, but implementing the plan only one step at a time will make for  an effortless transaction from one norm to the next. This will also allow for feedback of the employees without aggravation, which will also give them time for significant improvements. At first, the employees will likely be confused by the change. It will take time to adapt to the new norm before an evaluation of the success can be determined. Training will be of great importance. Having a pre-knowledge of the upcoming events will prepare the employees for the inevitable. We know that the change is coming and so should they. The customer base is the best way to know for sure if the plan is effective. Most businesses only exist as a service to a customer; therefore, training the employees on the right and wrong reactions to the customers and the service that they r eceive will be the primary goal for Riordan Manufacturing. This will give the sense that the company is making the necessary changes to better serve them. The Communication Plan Riordan Manufacturing communication plan will consist of a formal email being sent to all managers in charge of specific sectors about the Change Management Plan with a follow up of sector face-to-face meetings. A formal email being sent out will ensure the message being delivered in a timely fashion to prepare the managers for the change. It will also give them more time to prepare a face-to-face meeting with all sector employees before the change is made. The face-to-face meeting will ensure the employees that Riordan Manufacture messages about any change that could affect them are being relayed on a more personable level. This channel will also allow manager to receive feedback from employees whether it is questions or concerns. A barrier that could be a problem for the managers trying to deliver this Change Management Plan is Communication Apprehension. This kind of barrier takes place when an individual gets extremely nervous, anxious, or even tense when speaking or trying to send any type of communication to others. Since the managers are going to have individual face-to-face meeting with their group of employees, we hope that each manager will have the courage to speak up effectively and accurately about the change. To ensure that there has been effective communication to all employees the managers who delivered  the messages will have to send a report back about the reactions shared by the employees during the meeting. Riordan Manufacturing is excited to announce a new customer management system. This new system will be accessible by all employees and will allow us to provide the most effective customer service possible. During the next few weeks, Department Managers will have face to face meetings with all staff members. Team A will provide an overview of the new system and will allow the opportunity for employees to address concerns and ask questions. Please take this time and offer feedback, your feedback and concerns are vital to the success of this organization. Our number one goal is to deliver the best customer service to both internal and external customers. Together we can make this change a success. In conclusion communication and planning are the two most important things when implementing change within any organization. Employees need to know that their input is appreciated and heard. Allowing managers and employees the opportunity to provide feedback will increase morale and will maintain high levels of job satisfaction. Riordan Manufacturing has taken the necessary steps to implement the new customer management system with proper planning and communication.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Educational Assistance Essay

I am currently employed as a bagger at H-E-B and would very much like to be considered for the educational assistance program you offer to employees. I want to go to college to be a pharmacist when I complete high school and am already taking a pharmacy technician class along with my other classes. I know H-E-B is a wonderful place to work, not just because I already work there but because my father has worked as a truck driver there for 15 years. H-E-B is very steady, has good benefits and most importantly, treats their employees like family. I can’t think of any other workplace that can keep their employees loyalty like that. I know there is a growing need for pharmacists and with the way H-E-B has added deli’s, floral dept and pharmacies to keep up with today’s markets, I can get my degree and become a part of all that. Pharmacists are in need more and more and cannot think of anywhere I would rather put my degree to work than H-E-B. All I ask for is the chance to become a registered pharmacist and join the pharmacy staff at H-E-B. This company has been around for 100 years and with the loyalty of people like myself and my father, will be around for many more. This is my chance to fulfill my dream of becoming a pharmacist and advance my career within a company I care about. I sincerely hope you will grant my request for educational assistance and help me make continue the H-E-B tradition of quality service and a family atmosphere. If you approve my request, I will work hard to make you glad you gave this opportunity and when I become a pharmacist, I will able to help the people who work and shop H-E-B on a regular basis.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Fad diet Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fad diet - Research Proposal Example 2) Recently I have seen most of my friends and cousins discussing this issue. They somehow all seem to believe that these fad diets will magically transform them into some super models which is actually just the illusion shown to us in these fad diet advertisements. My core purpose of this article is to spread awareness among people like them. A. Research gathered so far: I have so far found that these fad diets cause nutritional deficiencies causing the body to suffer. Our body needs the natural nutrients present in the normal healthy diet. Not only this but it also causes certain metabolic problems because for which the chances of gaining weight more then before are heightened. These diets in most cases also lead to muscle loss and thus resulting in an unhealthy body. B. Research that needs to be gathered: Although a sufficient amount research is already present to prove my point and a lot of experienced people are more then willing to share their stories regarding this issue too, but what needs to be researched is how despite so much awareness people still fall in the traps of fad dieting. I will try to research on their various ways these advertisers conceal the truth and make this fad dieting as an attractive thing for people. III. Conclusion: I think that every one needs to ‘think before they act’. Nothing can be more important then health. It is an acceptable fact that a fit and beautiful body is an amazing thing to have but we should instead of using this temporary and artificial methods try to do something more natural and long lasting, like drinking loads of water and controlling the habits of over eating. These fad dieting might show wonderful results at first but sooner or later it turns into a regrettable decision since it is a matter of common sense that no such immediate changes to the body are ever good for

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Business Process Analysis and Recruitment Essay - 1

Business Process Analysis and Recruitment - Essay Example The problem with the current system of recruitment for Talent Seek is that it is extremely time to consume. The process takes so much time that most of the good and potential candidates get de-motivated and do not wait for the results and join any other firm. The delay in the recruitment process is because of the bureaucratic nature of work in which every decision is passed on through all the different tiers of the organization. As a consequence, other companies get the best available candidates and the clients of Talent Seek are left with the ordinary ones. The other problem is that there is a lot of redundancy in the recruitment process. For instance, the job description is forwarded to all the managers who have any direct or indirect link with the recruitment process. This is a major obstacle in the efficiency required for the process to work smoothly. What the consultants’ group would strive to achieve is that it will try to change the overall method with which the work is done. What the group has analyzed is that the bureaucratic style of management has led to delay in the recruitment process. The company needs to change the structure of the organization from being excessively documented to being quick, proactive and ever looking for opportunities. The main challenge is to find new and innovative ways to improve the organizational communication channels. Since the main purpose of Talent seeks is to facilitate the process of recruitments especially in public administrative organizations, it needs to be quick and efficient, something that is difficult to attain by the public sector, that’s why they hire the services of talent seek. But so far talent seek is the victim of the same problems which are faced by its customers i.e. the in-efficiency that arise due to the bureaucratic structure, for example, lots of paperwork, in-effective communication channels, lack of coordination and slow decision making. The organizational culture at talent seek is also a cause for its ineffectiveness. The employees at the organization show lack of willingness to find out new ways of organizational communication. This is typical in bureaucratic organizations; people have no motivation to perform better and efficiently.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cloud Security and Privacy Issues Research Paper - 1

Cloud Security and Privacy Issues - Research Paper Example As a result of this technology, computing efficiency has been increased by offering centralized storage of data. On the whole, cloud computing security is thus the application of all the sets of policies and controls in order to protect data and this should not be confused with the available security software’s that are cloud based. Without cloud computing the web server will run as a single computer or a group of owned computers hence they will be powerful enough to serve a given amount of request per minute and with a certain amount of latency per request. This paper critically presents an elaborate discussion on cloud security and privacy issues from a wide perspective. Security and Privacy With the intention to make sure that data is secure and that its privacy is well maintained, cloud providers focus on the following areas. The first area is data protection. In order to be considered protected, data from one client are correctly separated from that of the other (Brandau & Tempest, 189). In that sense; data must be securely stored, and must be capable to move steadily from one point to the other. Identity management is the other area of consideration. Every business is entitled to a private system of identity management in order to manage access to computing resources and information. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are the pioneer in using cloud computing technology. Just like any form of technology, cloud security contains reasonable share of confronts ranging from government intervention in foreign countries and attacks from hackers and they have been able to rise up from these challenges by securing and encrypting their servers through the SLL technologies and upgrading of their firewalls. With the support of stable operating systems like UNIX Google has been able to secure its E-mail system. With the flexibility and fixing of the security loopholes, cloud computing technology has proven to be a great success. Discussion: Cloud Secu rity and Privacy Issues In the event when an organization adapts to cloud computing technology, it implies that the organization users will be using one server power. In one way or the other, this greatly helps in conserving the computer power and diverse applications can be offered for the users and managed under the cloud server (Chakraborty, Remireddy, Raghu & Rao, 10). This is a clear implication that the client does not require going to the extent of downloading and installing the application on the computer system, but all the procedures will be stored and managed under the cloud server. With reference to different statistics, cloud computing model guarantees ease and on require network entree to a distributed pool of resources that are configurable (Brandau & Tempest, 184). For example; servers, networks, storage device application, and service can swiftly process with negligible management effort. By means of cloud computing, all this work is accomplished without the awarene ss of the end user on the physical location of the system that is delivering him with the service (John & Grier, 2). For this reason the phrase cloud computing is related with processing work from an identified static place. The Cloud Computing Architecture A more detailed module of the computing architecture is known as the back end and the front end. While the front end is the section that the customers or computer users can observe and it comprises the nodes and applications on the system. These are the elements which allow the user to achieve access to the internet through the end user interface from his personal system.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The History of Arabia and its Culture Assignment - 152

The History of Arabia and its Culture - Assignment Example The duration in the history of Arabia before the birth of Islam is referred to as Times of Ignorance. This is according to the practices and beliefs of pagan Arabs. The Arabs devoted to several religions which are characterized as polytheists, Christian Jews, and atheists. Most Arabs worshipped several idols. The atheist Arabs believed on the eternal world. After Romans destruction of Jerusalem, in A. D. 70, drove Jews into Hijaz, Arabia. Romans converted the Ghassan Arab tribe to Christianity (Farah 45). The state religion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Islam. Saudi Arabia hosts Mecca and Medina cities. Muhammad, the leader of the Islamic religion lived and died in the cities. The cities attract pilgrims in millions yearly. â€Å"Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques† is the King of Saudi Arabia’s official title (Farah 27). The two mosques are; Masjid al-Haram and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, in Mecca and Medina respectively. Saudi Arabia gave rise to the Arabic language, which is used in the Quran. Islam changed Arabs in several ways. For instance, the religion plays a significant role in the Saudi state and society. The influence of the religious establishment, ulema, is very great. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia entails the Arab Islamic state which is sovereign. Islam is the state religion, and the constitution is The Holy Quran; and the Sunna, traditions of the Prophet. Arab Israeli conflict entails military conflicts and the political tensions involving Israel and some Arab Countries. The basis of the present Arab Israel conflict is the rise of the Arab nationalism and Zionism, at the end 19th century. Territories viewed by the Jews as historically theirs, are also viewed by the Pan Arabs as belonging to, historically and presently, Palestinian Arabs (Morris 217). This tension among the Palestinian Arabs and Jews started at the beginning of the 20th century.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reflective Diary on Health-Issues Personal Statement

Reflective Diary on Health-Issues - Personal Statement Example Hopefully they can care for themselves until they are much older, but there needs to be places for them to go when they do need care. Having more and more elderly care facilities built would alleviate some of the problem for the society. America's aging population. The "baby-boom" generation is entering its peak health-care-using period. In fact, over eighty million Americans will turn 50 in the next 10 years. The cost of providing health care to them will be staggering. (Lowery and Heuer) Many elderly people fall ill and are being taken care of by family until the resources are drained. What if they do not have family and they are not found in time, it just is upsetting that there are not more places to house them. Personally, we all have known an elderly person or someone who comes down with an illness. We are all affected by health issues. It was sad to have my grandmother have to go in a home because she couldn't walk. The reason it was so sad was that she wanted to stay in her home and live there until she died, but she couldn't. She had to be in a home. It took long, hard work to find a home where my grandmother could stay, but I am grateful that they had room. Lots of other homes were filled. Without more homes there will not be enough places to take in these elderly people that so desperately need care. I hope they make more homes to care for them in the future so that everyone can find a place to stay when they are older. Another health issue that I think about is the rising cost of healthcare and the lack of companies wanting to provide healthcare to their workers. As the cost of healthcare rises, so do the needs of the many people that need to get care. The people that depend on medicines to stay healthy also need ways to get what they need. Without health insurance the expenses are so enormous that they may not even go to a doctor without it. There should be coverage provided for all workers so that just in case something happens to them, they can afford to go to the doctor without going bankrupt. More than 18,000 adults in the USA die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care, researchers report in a landmark study released Tuesday. (Sternberg) Another health issue that concerns me is the care that is given to illegal aliens when they are in this country without being a citizen. Because the hospitals have to care for anyone whether they are or are not citizens, they are taxing the system. Where as I agree that people should not be turned away from being cared for, I also understand that some illegal aliens come to the United States to utilize the hospitals to get medical care. That is a problem and one that needs to be corrected in some way. Well, as I would love to have the answer to solve that problem I really have no way of solving it. Other health issues that concern me are the diseases that do not have cures yet. We need to find cures for them as soon as possible and every effort should be given to help find those cures. The incurable diseases are too many, we should by now have cures for a lot of them and it seems that research should be funded more so that these cures are found and relatively soon. We all should be concerned that there aren't cures found for some of them yet, because they have been

Sunday, September 8, 2019

MicromidIK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MicromidIK - Essay Example It shows the relationship between price and the supply of goods in the market. The figure below demonstrates the relationship of price and supply. Increase of the prices of goods in the market, results in an increase of goods supplied. Production possibilities frontier Production possibility frontier is a curve that compares the rate of production of goods. For example, if there are two kinds of goods, guns and butter, and all resources are fully employed while technology remains fixed then the production of more guns would require more resources (capital and labour) moved from production of butter to guns. Absolute advantage Absolute advantage is a term used to denote situation where some countries produce certain goods more efficiently than other countries. The cost of production of goods differs from one country to another. Moreover, the skill and technology utilised in production differs. Therefore, absolute advantage is a term used to explain the ability of a country to produce goods and services more efficiently than other countries. For example, countries that produce products like steel, automotive better than other countries are said to have an absolute advantage. Marginal utility In explaining the term marginal utility, it is important to understand the term utility. Utility is a satisfaction or a gain consumer get after consumption of a commodity. Marginal utility, therefore, explains the extra satisfaction a consumer gets after consuming an extra unit of a commodity. Marginal utility is the additional benefit or satisfaction that consumers derive when they spend additional dollar to an extra unit of a commodity or service. Marginal utility also explains the diminishing utility when consumer buys more of a product or service that they already had. Example, a family with five members will need bread for breakfast where each person’s gets three slices of bread. However, if they decide to take extra bread the satisfaction or Utils from the extra bread diminishes. Inferior goods Inferior goods are differentiated from normal goods by their response to increases in income. Unlike normal goods, the demand for inferior goods decreases as income increases. Consumers of inferior goods prefer buying high priced goods when they can afford them. For example, when incomes are low, consumers travel by bus, but when income increases people buy cars and stop travelling by bus. Therefore, bus riding decline as incomes increases. Perfectly elastic demand Elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of changes in demand as a result of factors that affect the demand for goods and service. Therefore, perfectly elastic demand is a where a small change in the affecting factor (price) causes a high or extreme response of demand. Perfectly elastic demand curve has a horizontal curve with a slope equal to zero. In the above diagram, the demand of goods is zero, and above the price of $20 while it is infinite at a price below $20. Producer surplus Pr oducer surplus is the difference between what a producer is able to supply to the market and the actual demand that the market offer under a particular price and time. The situation where the producers are unable to satisfy the demand in the market defines producer’s surplus. Producer of goods and services face the dilemma of what they are willing and able to supply in the market and the actual amount of the price they get. This difference is referred to as the producer’

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Gender issues and changes at work facing human resource management and Essay

Gender issues and changes at work facing human resource management and promoting equality at work through diversity - Essay Example One important fact to question is one that begs an inquiry into why women fail to move up the employment hierarchy. One possible explanation has to do with the perception that women do not "fit in" with the traditional "male" profile. This is most prevalent in the choice of employment conceived by children which translates to future adult employment aspirations. As children career choices are guided by hobbies, skill sets and the notion that some careers are more attractive than others. In so doing, the traditional gender roles play a crucial rule. Female children tend to aspire to employment with fits the traditional gender roles of women being employed in a subservient position while male children tend to aspire employment which places men in dominant positions such as that of upper level managerial positions. This bias in the rating process may lead to subjec ¬tive selection and promotion decisions. In fact, in a HRM survey on work place diversity and the decision to promote individuals within an organization indicates that subjectivity plays a vital role. Other barriers cited by this survey include lack of developmental exposure and experiences provided to women, and selection through word-of-mouth networking from current male employees. Fur ¬ther, most of these organizations steer their women em ¬ployees into staff positions.