
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Laura Equirels Like Water for Chocolate :: essays research papers

drive in square write out is emotion and passion. True love is when two individuals take on each other and never want to leave each other. True love is a feeling of love every time 1 sees or even thinks of his or her soul mate.I do non believe true love was ever reached in this novel with either of the characters. Tita and Pedro always had worries and doubts about their relationship together. And that is what kept them from reaching true love. If they header their love and relationship because of other individuals, it cannot in fact be true love. I believe what Tita and Pedro felt was passion. Passion for each other that was stronger than any other character. With no need for words, they took each others give and went into the gamy room. Pedro and Titas dark room was proof of how secretive they wanted to be. Although Tita loves her family immensely, she could not let that love interfere with her love for Pedro not for the shortest time. Tita and Pedro did not constitute enough emotional love for them to have true love. When they motto each other, they hardly had any other love than their passion of the dark room. They did not express many ideas for their future together.Tita and Johns love was not near true love. They had some emotional love when together, only no passion for love. They knew they could start a family and a future together, and Tita especially had an empty feeling of love when around John. Probably the same(p) emptiness Pedro feels for Rosaura. Those are the kinds of love where two people can have a successful future and family together, but could be emotionally dissolve from each other. In a way, Rosaura and Pedros relationship is almost a premonition for Tita and Johns relationship.

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