
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Overcoming Marital Conflict :: essays research papers fc

Overcoming married ConflictMarriages are made, not in heaven, but by toppingly fallible human beingswho hope for the best, but who often do peculiar little to make this mostchallenging and complicated descent work. From the precise first couple andtheir differing view point over the apple to mod times, men and women havealways disagreed. Both sexes are born with inherently different personalitytraits. Although mankind knows they go out n constantly see inwardness to eye with theopposite they still are attracted to them, perhaps for that very reason. unluckily it also means there will be unavoidable affair in the union ofa woman and man. Womans inherent versedity and the widely dissimilar sexualityof her mate is one of the primary conflicts in marriage. They will also finddiversity in their views on sex, communication, emotional expression, roughlyevery aspect in their lives.Sex has made marriages and broken them. enormous relationships do not alwaystranslate into wonder ful sex umpteen couples love each other deeply, but stilldont have a fulfilling sexual relationship. Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) wrote inThe New Spirit, "The omnipresent process of sex, as it is interweave into the wholetexture of our mans or womans body, is the pattern of all the process of behavior".This leads me to believe our sexuality is the core to ourselves.Unfortunately there are so many variants between men and women emotionally thatunavoidable conflicts will bob up in the bedroom. Adam and Eve are the onlyunion who ever had the freedom of entering marriage and lovemaking with nopreconceived ideas no hang-ups, and no inhibitions. manpower and women each possessdifferent wits toward the act of sex. most women need an emotionalconnection prior to experiencing a truly pleasing sexual encounter. Whereasmen tend to avoid deeply emotional bonding. Men can be happy with superficiallove, not that all men stop there. Women also feel affection is the essentialcement of her relationship with a man. She marries a man that cares about her,and she wants him to express his care often. Without it she normally feelsalienated from him. With it she will become emotionally bonded to him.Learning the sexual outlook of each others partner will increase the ability todeal with the sexual conflicts that materialize.Fear of failure and rejection and the belief that something is wronginfiltrates many sexual experiences. eggshell studies show that most couples whocomplain of sexual problems in their marriages are sincerely experiencing a deeperproblem. Letting go of assumptions, most of which come from books, movies, andfantasies, and sharing desires and fears with their mate, their individual

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