
Friday, March 15, 2019

Solutions to the Air Pollution Problem in America Essay examples -- En

Solutions to the ship Pollution Problem in the States It is steadily becoming harder to breathe these days. Every major city in the world is experiencing the ill effects of telephone line pollution. The level of toxic direct pollutants, known as toxics, has been on the rise globally, though not nationally, since the sporty bloodline Act of 1990, according to perspective of agate line character supply and Standards OAQPS, an office within the Environmental Protection Agency EPA. However, though more than regions -- i.e., cities, metropolitan atomic number 18as, rural areas, etc. -- are meeting the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, certain areas were and still are designated as nonattainment areas. These areas are regions which do not meet all the guinea pig Ambient Air Quality Standards NAAQS for ground-level ozone, a primary constituent of smog (USEPA-- National Air--Ozone and vitamin C Monoxide 1). What are air pollutants and what is their composition? Acco rding to studies done by Brigham puppyish University on air pollution, air pollutants are made up of atomic number 16 dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, ozone, and lead (Health Problems 3). They are in particulate remains meaning these compounds are particles 10 microns in size -- i.e., the diameter of an comely human hair. In fact, most sources agree that these are the main components of outdoor, versus indoor, air pollution. Locally, the state of Arizona has had trouble with sulfur dioxide levels in the past come along mining areas such as Globe-Miami (USEPA--Breathing Easier 5-2,3). Those problems have been addressed and have been report as below the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (USEPA--Breathing Easier ES-2,5-2,3). The bear-sized problem which remains is withi... ...tants A Citizens Guide. March 1991. coupled States Envirmental Protection Agency. Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. Office of Air and Radition. Environmental Ind icators. WWW document. URL Go To, July 17, 1996.United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1995. Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Update. WWW document. URL Go To, 1995.United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air and Radiation. 1995 National Air Quality Trends Brochure -- Toxic Pollutants. 1995 National Air Quality berth and Trends. WWW document. URL Go To, 1995.United States Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9 Air And Toxics Division. Breathing Easier 1996, A Report on Air Quality in California, Arizona, Neveda and Hawaii. Update Report, September, 1996.

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